Tour De Yorkshire

e have done our bit this week to welcome the first Tour de Yorkshire next weekend. Cocoa teamed up with my (Kate's) best friend Natasha's establishments, the Expanse Hotel & the Marine Bar in Bridlington (my hometown) this week in anticipation of the big day. To mark this special event we created some extra special chocolate 'Tour de Yorkshire' Roses to sell in the Bar & Hotel. They are in fact 'Tour de Bridlington' Yorkshire Roses as the race actually starts in Bridlington and the cyclists will be passing the Hotel.
I worked for Natasha's family for many years from the age of 14 up until I took over Cocoa, I started off as a pot washer, then I was promoted waiting on & I then went on to chambermaiding too. I have them to thank for the many skills I learned working there. Many of which I use whilst running my own business today! I still haven't escaped the pot washing in Cocoa though! So as you can imagine their wonderful Hotel and owners hold a very special place in my heart and it was a great honour to work with them once again.
This Friday 4th May the Marine Bar is holding an exciting event to celebrate the Tour de Yorkshire and give it a send off to remember! There will be food, drink (the do great real ale), entertainment and of course it will be the perfect place to cheer on the cyclists too.. their establishment offers stunning views of the beautiful coastline too. This is most definitely the place to be!! And you can buy Cocoa chocolate too!
Last time I went home I came back to Sheffield really proud of all the great things going on in Bridlington. The town and its residents and business have really gone to huge efforts to make the place look pretty with bunting hanging from every corner and blue & yellow bikes appearing in places a bike has never been before. My favourite place for food is The Little Organic Bakery. This place does better vegetarian food than anywhere in Sheffield (and anywhere I've been in the world in fact!!) and the best cakes too and the family who own it are the lovliest people, the style of the cafe is very tasteful too. Their son (an award winning Barista) has just opened up a coffee shop called Brew Mill which is down the road from them, I haven't been in yet but I can't wait to go! I'd definitely recommend a day out in Bridlington and I love going home to this breath takingly beautiful coast, its friendly people and fab places to visit. There's loads more places I could mention but that's for another post...